
Alliteration Type: noun Pronunciation: /ah-lit-e-rae-tion/ What does Alliteration mean? The repetition of initial consonant sounds in words within a phrase or verse line. Alliteration Synonyms: Consonance Example of Alliteration:  [Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.] Example sentence: “The first line has some alliteration.” more terms starting with “A”


Analogy Type: noun Pronunciation: /ana-law-gee/ What does Analogy mean? A comparison made between two things, usually for the purpose of explanation or clarification. An analogy is a comparison made between two things, usually for the purpose of explanation or clarification. Analogies often follow a structure like “A is to B as C is to D.”…


Ballard Type: noun Pronunciation: /bal-erd/ What does Ballard mean? A narrative poem that tells a story. Ballard Synonyms: Song, Music Example of a Ballard: [The ship was lost, the waves did roar,And winds did howl with might,A sailor’s cry, a desperate plea,Faded in the night. The storm had come with bitter rage,Its fury none could…

Blank Verse

Blank Verse Type: noun Pronunciation: /blaynk-vers/ What does Blank Verse mean? Poetry that does not rhyme. Unrhyming iambic pentameter. Blank Verse is unrhymed iambic pentameter.. Blank Verses verses are nonrhyming. Blank Verse Synonyms: Heroic Verse, Free Verse Example of a Blank Verse: From William Shakespeare’s Hamlet: [To be, or not to be, that is the…


Consonance Type: noun Pronunciation: /kon-so-nance/ What does Consonance mean? The repetition of consonant sounds between words in close proximity. (anywhere within the words.) Consonance Synonyms: Alliteration Example of Consonance:  [The black back pack is in the back.] Example sentence: “The consonance in their voices made the song beautiful.” more terms starting with “C”


Couplet Type: noun Pronunciation: /koup-let/ What does Couplet mean? A pair or two (2) lines of a poem, usually the same length and meter. A couplet is a pair of two lines, usually of the same length and meter. Example of Couplet: [The moonlight dances on the calm sea,Whispering secrets, wild and free.] More Stanza…


Decasyllable Type: noun Pronunciation: /dek-ah-sil-a-bull/ What does Decasyllable mean? A line with ten (10) syllables. Example of Consonance:  [The sun sets slowly over the quiet sea.] – 10 syllable line Example sentence: “That line has ten syllables, so it is a decasyllable.“ more terms starting with “D”


Diction Type: noun Pronunciation: /dic-tion/ What does Diction mean? The words and phrases used by a poet to express something. Diction is the words and phrases used by a poet to express something. Diction Synonyms: Poetic Diction Example sentence: “The author of this poem has good diction.” more terms starting with “D”

End Rhyme

End Rhyme Type: noun Pronunciation: /end-rime/ Related: Internal Rhyme, Rhyme What does End Rhyme mean? Rhymes at the end of a line. End Rhyme Synonyms: Rhyme Example sentence: “I’m looking for a different end rhyme on the RHYMEBOOK app.” more terms starting with “E”


Epic Type: noun Pronunciation: /ep-ick/ What does Epic mean? A long narrative poem. An epic usually tells a tale of a heroic deed or an adventure. Epic Synonyms: Saga, Epos, Ballad, Chronicle, Legend, Heroic poem, Long poem Example sentence: “The old poet told us his epic tale.” more terms starting with “E”